Not long ago did Meta copy Telegram and introduced channels on WhatsApp. Meaning that individuals or organizations now have a way to broadcast directly to people who decide to follow their channel. It is not really a discussion forum but rather a one to many way of communication. But which football clubs have seen the […]
Category: News
Here a list over some of the world’s top clubs in the direct link to their club store. 22 clubs on the list. Except for Ajax all clubs are from the top 5 European leagues. The url’s do change occasionally in particular if the club changes its service providers of either IT or logistics. England […]
The Premier League will change font starting with the 23/24 season. The current design has been in use since 2017. Click here to see the full press release from Avery! 5 standard colors seems to be the playbook once again. In the photo you will see 2 x white, most likely just to show how […]
The UCL will change from the current format to a more dynamic new format come 2024 and first be adopted for the season 24/25. Click here to read about the new UCL format at Two big groups each comprising 18 teams = 36 in total. 8 of which will qualify automatically for the knock-out […]
FA Cup winners with most titles since 1871
The FA Cup is the oldest Cup tournament in the world and the most prestigeous one. It has taken place every single year since 1871 apart from a couple of years during WWII where it was halted for obvious reasons. But which club has won the most titles ? The usual suspects like Man Utd […]
New supplier of the official Premier League printing. Avery Dennison is taking over from Sporting ID. The change will take effect come the season 19/20. Which is essentially now. The name and number kits will remain the same for the upcoming season while there is a minimal change to the sleeve badges. A grey edge […]
Most popular clubs in Spain
According to a survey back in 2017 these are the most popular football clubs in Spain among Spaniards: Click here to read the original article from Marca! So which is the most popular club in Spain , Madrid or Barcelona ?? In fact Real Madrid comes out on top with 32.4% of the fans supporting […]
Like in France Russia has a few different regions where the vast majority of the wine production takes place. Mainly in Kuban (Krasnodar Krai), and Krim, secondarily in Rostov and Stavropol. Here we will try to describe the different sub-regions which are to found in the Kuban Krasnodar region. Anapa Riviera OOO ”Chateau” Gai-Godzor […]
The Case for a new Aarhus Airport Den amerikanske økonom Murray Rothbard skrev en berømt bog med titlen ”the Case Against the Fed” hvor han på systematisk gennemgår pengeskabelsen i USA og den rolle the Federal Reserve indtager efter indstiftelsen i 1913. Som man kan udlede udaf titlen er konklusionen på analysen den at der […]
Randers – Byen til Vandet ? De seneste 20-30 år har set en bølge indenfor arkitektur og byplanlægning hvor man for alt i verden skal have udsigt samt adgang til vand. Bydele bygges så tæt som muligt på vand, huse og bygninger indrettes så man som minimum kan få et lille kig til en ansamling […]