Posted in: Real Madrid

Real Madrid 23/24 away jersey – VINI JR. 7

Player of the year for the season 22/23 Vinicius Junior is also among the top players for the season 23/24. The new La Liga design is out. Not sure why they opted for a red/white color scheme. But regardless this is how the official badge looks like. The official RM away/third printing for the season […]

Posted in: Real Madrid

Real Madrid 22/23 away jersey – Vini Jr. 20

Real Madrid is going well. Everything is quiet at the club currently. A defeat at some point might blow up the supposed harmony but it would take a lot more than just that to take down the house. The hottest property right now is Vinicius Junior. VINI JR. 20 as the shirt reads. The other […]

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