Manchester United Product Reviews

Review: Manchester United training top 2011-12


By Man Utd ambassador Bulent Bahadir


As you are reading this review, you are probably supporting a team, a football team. You follow your team, with every matches they play, with every club and transfer news, and one another thing supporters wait with great enthusiasm is clubs new merchandises. Here we have the Manchester United’s training shirt. A true fan has already noticed the training gears and I will try to review this great training top for you.


Manchester Untied training top 1



Main colour of the training top is old royal blue with randomly placed white accents. This gives a quite modern and unique look to the training top. As usual Man United club crest is at the left of the chest while Nike Swoosh is at the right. The fabric of the top is Nike Dri-Fit as football shirts are too.


Manchester United training top 2

Plastic printed Manchester United Crest

The training top came from MMsports is like a player issue one. There are some differences from the regular-commercial ones. First the club badge is not embroidered, plastic printed same as the match shirts that footballers wear at matches. That gives more comfort to the person who wears the top. There would be no tiggling or any other extra feeling that the back of the badge could give.



Manchester United training top blue 3

Air ventilation holes under the arms

There are plastic patches at the shoulders and back of the shirt. We can see these plastic patches at player issue shirts too (authentic jerseys). The last and most important difference from the regular training top is air ventilation holes below the arm pit. I haven’t seen any commercial top and shirt sold at shops with air ventilation holes. Only player issue items have them.

Man Utd training top Man Utd training top another view

 Embroidered crest and no ventilation holes

Note: I was in London two weeks ago. I also visited the MU Megastore at Old Trafford. These sneaky pics were taken at Megastore and some other football shops. You can see the differences I told before by looking at the pics. Thanksfully MMSports have the player issue version of this training top.

Manchester United training top window shopping

Training top displayed at MU Megastore

With the player issue details this training top looks absolutely stunning. You feel yourself like a pro while wearing it. It is great for personal excercise, football matches with friends or even for a casual top. This sponsorless shirt can match every occasion. Support your team with this training top, it is up to you where to wear it.


Ambassador Challenge 2

Football clubs usually launch 2 or 3 football shirts every year. And we supporters always await the launch with great expectations. Some first impressions could be very high or sometimes we dont like what we see at first. At the end this is our club’s shirts and we would get used to it with the start of the league. One shirt (Home shirt) will be for sure with usual colours and Away shirt with some changing colours. You dont have so much option about the colour selection. With the big price tag of the shirts, club’s other merchandises could come in front, with T-Shirts, Tops, Jackets, Coats, etc. Great alternatives to club shirts heavy price tag, you can also have various options of design, colour and price for t-shirt, jackets and coats. I preferably wear football shirts at match days only. But other days, I show my support for example with wearing a polo,a small red devil embroidered at the chest (as simple as it can be), or if the weather is cold, just put on my Man United jacket. You dont have to go to work with a big sponsored shirt, the most beneficial design of leisure wear is that they have no big sponsors printed to ruin the design. You dont have to walk like a big commercial billboard. I have the flexibility of club wear merchandises that football shirts couldnt offer. You have only two options for football shirts every year, home and away. If you dont like the design, you can choose whatever you want from the leasurewear selection to support your team. Isnt it the reason, SUPPORT YOUR TEAM?

Bulent Bahadır / Istanbul