France were the hosts for the 1998 World Cup in football. The home team ended up winning the tournament with a victory over Brazil in the final.
The tournament elevated Zidane from being a relatively unknown player to becoming an international star. 2 goals in the final both on headers and great play throughout the tournament surely left its mark.
Frankrig versus Brasilien VM 1998
The footwear was at the time primarily black and white but a few alternative colors had started to sneak in. A trend which would get a breakthrough 4 years later during the Japan/Korea World Cup.
Frankrig VM 1998 sorte støvler regerer
The Brazilian star Ronaldo who had won the World Cup 1994 but from the bench had now matured into a superstar in his own right. But this time around it was not enough to win the tournament. 4 years later he would accomplish this feat though.
Ronaldo 1998 Nike støvler i farver
Ronaldo was injured before the final but ended up playing the match anyway. A rather controversial decision.
The name and number kits have become slightly more elaborate since 1994 with more klout and more detail.
Brasilien navn og nummer tryk 1998
The color of the Brazilian name and number kit is as always green but with a blue outline. So the 3 main colors from the flag: green, yellow, blue are all in play.

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