Fashion Industry: Sportswear

Womens Wear Daily at is also covering mens fashion including the sportswear segment.

Click here to read about the sportswear from a fashion and industry perspective


What is the world’s fashion capital ?

Well according to Global Monitor it is London.

Click here to see the 2012 ranking

New York comes in third, ahead of Barcelona, and Paris. Madrid takes fifth spot.

Milan is number 8 on the list.

We do expect to see Milan move back in among the top 4 on the list and to see NYC edge London from topspot in 2013.


And when we talk about fashion week. Take a look at this website to get news:

Fashion Week Online – news updates about the global fashion industry!


What are the key elements ?

materials (production)




together these 4 or 5 parts make up the value chain of the clothing industry.


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