Posted in: Design

ConFed Cup 2017 | The Essentials Part I | Tickets

So how do you get a ticket for the Confederations Cup 2017 in Russia ? Well you go to the website and try to buy one. However, they come in two different categories one for fans traveling to Russia. Another for the locals. And the price difference is quite substantial.
ConFed Cup 2017 outdoor
Tickets on the website
Cup Confederations FIFA 2017
June 17th to July 2nd
For the World Cup 2018 ticket holders will not need a visa to enter Russia. For the ConFed Cup 2017 is it most likely the same though I did not see it written anywhere so do Not take my word for it. Check it out before leaving home.
Here is the link for the FIFA page with ticket sales internationally!
Most likely it is also possible to travel to Russia on a regular tourist visa and buy the tickets locally upon arrival. Certain matches might be sold out while other matches will probably not be able to draw enough attention to fill up the stadium entirely.

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