Q & A with FC Bayern reviewer in the mixed zone

This time around we have the chance to sit down with Dave from the Washington DC metro area.


And we will get started right away. So here we go!


Q: Which was your first jersey and whom gave it to you ?

A: 2002 World Cup Germany National team jersey with Podolski’s name on the back.

Q: If you were to give a piece of advise to the clothing manufacturer what would that be ?

A: It would be nice to have universal sizes!  It would make ordering online much easier.

Q: If you were to give a piece of advise to the name and number kit manufacturer what would that be ?

A: It would be nice if the more popular name and numbers were a little cheaper since you make so many of them.


Q: What is the greatest challenge for your favorite team right now ?

A: Keeping the same momentum up for the Champions League games!


Q: When evaluating the club at the current moment what is more important: the legacy or the players in the current squad ?

A: Definitely the players in the current squad (though as an American, it is easier for me to say that!)


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