The player’s issue and the replica jersey are slightly different. Fabric, badges, fit all these can be different between the two versions of the kit. The photos in this blog post are of the authentic player’s issue version.
Certain details are different from the replica version for instance the club logo which in this edition is in flourocesent plastic. The replica kit has an embroidered logo with no special features.

Full jersey seen from the front in the image below.

The name and number printing is the same though whether the jersey is the authentic of the replica version. There can occasionally be a replica printing style which is slightly smaller in the dimensions but the material would typically remain the same.

In this case the color of the printing matches the contrast color of stripes and sponsor logo.

The image is not sharp or detailed enough in order to display the patterns engraved in printing / fabric of the jersey. But other aspects can be discerned quite clearly.