Posted in: FC Barcelona

Averey Dennison NTP in Gaupne in Norway producer of FC Barcelona printing

The deal starts in the spring of 2015 and runs for 3 years. The deal is worth 12 m EUROS.
One of the main reasons why NTP in Norway was chosen was due to their technology which can integrate an invisible watermark into the printing which can later be verified in order to know if it is the genuine and licensed product which is at hand.
Learn more about this at their Avery NTP website
or in this article including video clips from Norwegian national TV
I billedet direktøren for NTP
Tom Dyrdal NTP Avery om Barcelona tryk
Starting November 2015 the printing will thus be produced by Avery in Norway and distributed world wide by Sporting ID from the UK.
Avery is an American multinational the same as ITW which is the company behind Sporting ID.

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